• The Client agrees that it will not permit AAA Staffing, LLC. temporary employees to operate motor vehicles or machinery including, but not limited to golf carts, without AAA Staffing, LLC.'s prior written permission. The Client agrees to accept full responsibility for all claims and costs associated with acts or omissions of AAA Staffing, LLC. temporary employees arising from any unauthorized operation of motor vehicles or machinery.
• The Client agrees that it will not entrust AAA Staffing, LLC.temporary employees with unattended premises, cash, keys (including office, maintenance shops, vacant and occupied apartments), negotiable instruments, or other valuables without AAA Staffing, LLC.'s prior written permission. It is the property staff’s responsibility to ensure that any keys, access card/fobs, tools etc. provided to the temporary employees during the work day must be collected from the temporary employee at the end of each work day. The Client agrees to accept full responsibility for all claims and costs associated with acts or omissions of AAA Staffing, LLC. temporary employees arising from any unauthorized entrustment of unattended premises, cash, keys, negotiable instruments or other valuables.
• The Client agrees that it will immediately notify AAA Staffing, LLC. in writing of any event involving injury to any AAA Staffing, LLC. temporary employee, or any event involving injury or damage to any other person or property which might implicate liability insurance coverage. In case of an emergency, the Client agrees to assist any injured AAA Staffing, LLC. temporary employee to obtain appropriate medical care.
• The Client acknowledges that AAA Staffing, LLC. has been able to make a large staff of personnel available only through a substantial investment in advertising, screening, testing, and training. In consideration for these services furnished by AAA Staffing, LLC., the Client agrees that for a period of ninety (90)days after the last day for which hours are reported by any AAA Staffing, LLC. temporary employee on this form, the Client shall not use the services of the AAA Staffing, LLC. temporary employee except as a temporary employee assigned by AAA Staffing, LLC. This limitation includes, but is not limited to, employing the person directly; entering into any independent contractor, agency, facility staffing, or consulting relationship involving the person's services; arranging, suggesting, endorsing, facilitating, or acquiescing in the person's employment or recruitment by any person or entity other than AAA Staffing, LLC., whether or not the person is later assigned to any property owned or managed by the Client. However, the Client may permanently employ the AAA Staffing, LLC. temporary employee upon: 1) the written consent of AAA Staffing, LLC. and 2) payment of a placement fee equaling six percent (6%) of the proposed annual salary of the temporary employee, 3) or following the temporary employees’ employment at the property for more than 320 hours (i.e., “temp-to-perm” employment). In addition, the account for the Client must be current before such permanent employment will be permitted.
• The Client agrees that, unless modified in writing, these terms and conditions will govern future temporary assignments and temporary assignments already formed. The Client also agrees that any dispute arises from or related to this agreement shall be resolved in a court of appropriate jurisdiction in Harris County, Texas, and the dispute shall be governed by Texas law.
• On behalf of the Client, I acknowledge that AAA Staffing, LLC. does not direct or supervise the work of the temporary employees. Rather, the temporary employees perform work for and are directed and supervised by the Client at the property. Accordingly, the Client agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless AAA Staffing, LLC. against any claims, including claims of alleged negligence on the part of AAA Staffing, LLC., arising out of or related to work performed at the property by any temporary employee under the Client’s direction and supervision, and attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred by AAA Staffing, LLC. in defending such claims.
• Four-hour minimum billing applies if order is not canceledwithin 12 hours of assignment start time.